Vaša ideja postaje stvarnost

Obradili smo mnogo dogadjaja kao što su sportski dogadjaji, parade, trke, maraton, i drugi dogadjaji. Svi ovi materijali se mogu koristiti u najrazlicitije svrhe.

Naše cene

U našu uslugu spadaju snimanje i po potrebi i obrada materijala. Cene su vrlo povoljne u šta se možete i sami uveriti.
With our price packages you've got a one-stop-shop for photos and videos. Take a look, select the best fit for you and let's get started! These packages are the simplest, fastest approach to getting the support you need for your next project.

Give us the time and place, and we'll handle the rest!


  • Pro Aerial Camera
  • Single location shoot
  • Single time of day
  • 4k Ultra HD Video
  • 12 Megapixel Still photos
  • Live Video Capabilities
  • Single Pilot/Camera Operator
  • 360 Still Photos


  • 4k Ultra HD Video
  • 16 Megapixel Still photos
  • Live Video Capabilities
  • Lens options for different focal lengths
  • Pilot and Camera Operator for Dynamic Shots
  • 360 Still Photos


  • 4k Ultra HD Video
  • 42 Megapixel Still photos
  • Live Video Capabilities
  • Unlimited Lens and Camera
  • Pilot, Camera Operator and Director of Photography
  • High Res 360 Still Photos and Video

Svi video zapisi mogu biti profesionalno obradjeni.